If you own a home in the Ocean Pointe development in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, you may qualify for home repairs and your rights may be affected by a class action settlement.

The administration period for the Settlement Agreement is now closed. No additional benefits to Class Members will be provided.

A Judge authorized the dissemination of the Notice. This is not a solicitation from a lawyer.

On August 17, 2021, the First Circuit, State of Hawai‘i Court managing the class action over Ocean Pointe shot pins in certain Ocean Pointe homes approved the settlement, which includes the Shot Pin Repair Program at no cost to class members who own those homes.

The settlement became effective and final on September 16, 2021. 

 SageBilt, the Court-approved and appointed Shot Pin Repair Program Contractor, is now accepting class member information to schedule no cost repairs in qualifying homes. 

 If you own a qualifying Ocean Pointe home and wish to sign up for the Shot Pin Repair Program at no cost to you, please immediately visit https://sagebilt.com/opbolt/ or call 808-312-6951.

 Class Counsel anticipates that the Shot Pin Repair Program will be completed by the end of November 2022.

  • A Settlement has been reached with Haseko Homes, Inc., Haseko Construction, Inc., Ke Noho Kai Development, LLC, and Fairway’s Edge Development, LLC (“Defendants”) in a class action lawsuit claiming that the Defendants failed to install adequate wind resistance systems, including that shot pins were defective and corroding.
  • You may be a part of the Class, which includes all eligible current individual and entity homeowners as of June 16, 2017 when the Circuit Court certified the Class, or their successors, who purchased homes in the development known as Ocean Pointe, located in the District of Ewa, City and County of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, State of Hawaiʻi, that were designed, developed, and constructed with wind protection systems with foundation anchor bolts, said homes having been constructed after August 1, 2005. The Ocean Pointe homes that are part of the Class are specifically identified in an exhibit entitled “Ocean Pointe Bolt Homes” accessible on the on the Case Documents tab of this dedicated website.
  • SageBilt was approved by the Court to serve as the Contractor for the Shot Pin Repair Program.  Class Members can pre-register for the Shot Pin Repair Program on SageBilt’s website: https://sagebilt.com/opbolt/.  Whether Class Members register for the Shot Pin Repair Program now or later, KCC, SageBilt, and/or Class Counsel will communicate with registration instructions if the Court approves the Settlement at the 8/10/2021 final approval hearing.  Please see the Shot Pin Repair Program tab on this dedicated website for SageBilt contact information.
  • Your rights are affected whether you act or do not act. Read the Notice carefully.


Do Nothing

If you do nothing, you will be enrolled in the Shot Pin Repair Program and will be eligible for Shot Pin repairs. You will be notified by postcard if the Court grants final approval of the Settlement and be provided information for the Contractor so that you and the Contractor can schedule your repairs. 

Object to the Settlement by July 19, 2021

You can object to the Settlement by writing to the Court about why you do not like it.

Attend the Court’s Fairness Hearing On August 10, 2021

You can ask to speak to the Court about the fairness of the Settlement.

  • Your rights and options—and the deadlines to exercise them—are explained in the Notice.
  • The Court in charge of this case still has to decide whether to approve the Settlement. Repairs will be made if the Court approves the Settlement and after any appeals are resolved. Please be patient.